Saturday, December 31, 2011

Freeze Dancing Sick People


We were over at Papa & Nana's house to celebrate New Years. The family was in the living room having fun with a little Freeze Dance. I was over at the stereo with Papa's iPod and was starting and stopping the music so everyone could freeze.

You came over wanting to be in charge of the iPod. I told you, "I'm using the iPod because I'm sick. Only sick people can use it."

You said, "Did you know, Caleb? Did you know I have a stomachache?" Then you looked at me with a clever twinkle in your eye. "So I could do the iPod."

You made us all laugh.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


DADDY: Mommy's van has bugs.
SARAH: No, that was a duck.
DADDY: They must be duckbugs.
SARAH: Your duckbugs are stinky. They smell like poopoo.