DADDY: When we moved to Fountain Valley, we had you sort through your belongings to get rid of a bunch of stuff you were clinging to. You little pack rat, you. We've been learning a lot in our lives about being sensitive to letting God show us what we treasure in our hearts and that earthly stuff is just stuff. It's not wrong in and of itself, but if we're clinging to it so badly, sometimes we've just got to learn to let it go so our hearts can learn how not to cling to anything but Jesus.
So we did this with your coloring papers. You love coloring. You love art. And you never want to throw ANY of it away. You must have had hundreds of papers filed in your organizer bin. So many. Too many. We had you sort them into 3 stacks: throw away, take a picture with, or scan to computer. Then we threw them all away.
Here are the scans:
A few pictures from Chuck E. Cheese's
Christmas 2008 | |
Your hand at 3 years old. |
A note you wrote to Grandma Lavinia. |
A record of when you knew how to write all your letters...kind of . |
A church coloring paper. |
I loved how you colored in certain specific shapes and that's it. |
You love learning how to write your letters. |
You amaze us at how well you color in the lines and make your colors match! |
This was a coloring page from church. |
A note from Grandma Melba and Papa Jack (Papa Jack died this year and went to be with Jesus) |
A note from Grandma Lavinia |