Sunday, July 29, 2012

She may have heard this used differently.

Guffaw:  Tonight you were at our house with your sister and you told G-Momo you were going to pick out a movie to watch.  G-Momo said "But I want to watch the Angels game."  
You replied:  "We don't always get what we want" and then you went to pick out your movie. 


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Star Wars: Episode IV


Tonight, you officially watched Star Wars: Episode IV for the first time. Throughout the movie, you got very nervous during the suspenseful scenes and I had to talk you through many parts to explain what was happening. But I'm pretty sure you were logging things away and trying to figure out what happened. No way did you understand everything, but you got the general gist of the story: The good guys always win, even if bad stuff happens along the way. I told you that one of the reasons we like stories and movies so much is that they all are a little bit like God's Big Story -- in the end, he wins and makes everything better again.
  • You were so excited Luke blew up the Death Star w/o getting hurt.
  • When Leia kissed Luke on the cheek, you asked, "Are they going to get married?"
  • When Han Solo and Luke destroyed the 4 Tie Fighters, you asked, "Why is Han Solo's shirt unbuttoned?"
  • You were very comforted that they said they'd try to fix R2D2.
  • Until I explained it to you, you were convinced OB1-Adobe went to heaven & since he disappeared & talks to Luke & helps him...that he is their God.
It's so much fun to be able to pass the torch of these fun stories on to you and have some amazing daddy/daughter time.

Sunday, July 8, 2012



You've been struggling a lot lately to listen the first time. Mommy's been really consistent lately, and you've been earning lots of timeouts. You totally know what you're doing too, and when you finish your timeouts, you explain to us exactly what happened and what you should do better next time.

A couple weeks ago, we bought the Disney movie TANGLED and set up a cool system for you to earn the movie. Every time you obeyed one of the categories on our list, you got to remove a lock of hair from Rapunzel's hair, and when the hair was all gone, you earned the movie -- 40 pieces in all.

Things from the list:

* Stay at the dinner table the whole meal
* Clear your dinner table
* While going potty, wipe, flush, wash your hands, and all that jazz
* Obey Mommy and Daddy the first time
* Keep your shoes on in the car
* Put away toys before moving on to next toy station

It took you a lot longer than we thought it would -- about 2 weeks -- but you did it and you earned it and you're learning about obedience and your heart and that God loves us even when we don't obey but he's happier when we do.