Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sarah, news radio and unemployment


You are apparently listening to the news and you must find it interesting.  This past Wednesday, I picked you up to babysit you and your sister while your Mommy and Daddy went on their date night.  When I started the car the radio came back on.  I had been listening to a news channel and it happened to be the time when the sports news came on so I listened to the sports scores and then turned it off so we could talk.  After a little while you asked me to turn the radio back on.  I asked what you wanted to listen to and you said the news.  You said you wanted to hear the sports news.

You are also picking up on topics discussed in the news, which recently has been reporting on our current tough economic times.  Later that same Wednesday evening you had this discussion with G-Momo and me:

Sarah: "I lost part of my job the other day." 
Guffaw: "You lost your job?  What job was that?"
Sarah:  "I lost part of my job."
Guffaw: "What part of your job did you lose?"
Sarah:  "The money part, but later I found it. It was behind the door."

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